Table of Contents

Frequently Asked Questions

Website planning and design

Can you design a site just like [competitor]?

We can create a website inspired by best practices in your industry, but we aim for something unique that sets you apart from competitors.

Can I have a store on it?

Yes, we can integrate e-commerce functionality to enable online sales directly through your website.

Will you help me learn to build my own website?

We can provide training on managing and updating your website, but full web development training would be beyond our scope.

Pricing and ROI

How much does it cost for a new website?

Pricing depends on the project scope, features, and complexity. We offer customized quotes after understanding your needs.

What is your hourly rate?

Our hourly rate varies based on the type of work but will be detailed in our proposal based on your project requirements.

Will I get a return on my investment?

While specific returns can vary, our goal is to create a website that drives engagement and conversions to justify your investment.

SEO and distribution

Will people be able to find my website on Google?

Yes, through our SEO efforts and techniques, your website will be indexed and found on Google.

What search engine optimization tactics/techniques are included?

We include on-page SEO techniques such as keyword optimization, meta tags, and content creation. We also focus on site speed and mobile optimization to ensure better search rankings.

Will you guarantee my website will be at the top of Google?

We can’t guarantee specific rankings, but we implement best SEO practices to significantly improve your website’s visibility.

How does getting a new site design affect my current SEO/ranking?

A new design can improve your SEO if done correctly, but we’ll ensure to maintain URL structures and apply redirects to minimize any negative impact.

How do I get more traffic?

Beyond the website, strategies like SEO, content marketing, social media, and paid advertising can increase traffic.

Content and design

How many pages should I have?

The number of pages depends on your business needs and goals. We can advise on the optimal structure during the planning phase.

Do I need a blog?

A blog can enhance your SEO and engage your audience, but it’s not mandatory. It depends on your content strategy and resources.

Is a contact page required?

Yes, a contact page or form is essential for allowing your audience to reach out to you and generate leads.

Can I have a feed from Facebook on it?

Yes, we can incorporate social media feeds, including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, to display your latest posts on your site.

Can I have customer reviews on it?

Yes, we can include a section for customer reviews to build trust and credibility with your audience.

Can I put video on it? Do you do videos?

Yes, we can integrate video content into your site, and we can discuss video production services as well.

Do you do copywriting?

Yes, we offer copywriting services to create compelling and SEO-friendly content for your website.

Do you write the content or do I have to?

We offer content creation services, but you are welcome to provide your own content if preferred.

Does this include checking grammar and spellings?

Yes, our content creation and copywriting process includes thorough proofreading for grammar and spelling.

Who provides the photos?

You can provide photos, or we can source high-quality images or arrange professional photography services.

Domains, hosting, integrations, and responsive design

Is it WordPress?

We often use WordPress due to its flexibility and ease of use, but we can work with other platforms based on your preferences.

I have a domain, do I need hosting too?

Yes, a domain is your website’s address, while hosting is where your website’s data is stored. Both are required.

Where will my website be hosted?

Your website can be hosted on a platform of your choice, or we can recommend hosting solutions based on your needs.

Do you need me to host you?

No, you are not required to host with us, but we can offer hosting solutions for convenience.

Do you handle emails? Does this include email like Gmail or Office365?

We can set up email services as part of your website hosting, but we do not manage ongoing email marketing or correspondence. 

We can assist with setting up professional email accounts using your domain, but the actual email service would be through providers like Google Workspace or Microsoft Office 365.

Can you insert buttons from PayPal?

Yes, we can integrate PayPal buttons for payments or donations directly on your site.

Will it be responsive/optimized for mobile?

Yes, your website will be fully responsive and optimized for mobile devices, ensuring a great user experience across all platforms.

Legal and compliance

Will you sign a Non-disclosure or Non-compete agreement?

We are open to signing NDAs and non-compete agreements to protect your project confidentiality and interests.

Will my website be ADA compliant / accessible?

Yes, we ensure your website is accessible by following ADA guidelines, making it user-friendly for people with disabilities.

Process and timelines

How long will it take to build my new website?

The timeline varies, but most projects are completed within 6-8 weeks from the project kickoff.

How long will it take?

The timeline varies based on the project scope, but we typically deliver websites within 3-4 weeks from the start of the project.

How quickly can you build my website?

Urgent projects can be expedited; let us know your timeline and we’ll work to accommodate your needs.

Where is your team located?

Our team is based in the UK, with remote members across various locations to provide a wide range of expertise.

Could you please clarify who will be doing the work?

Our team comprises experienced designers, developers, and SEO specialists who will be working on your project.

What happens if I need to change the scope of our project before it’s finished?

Scope changes are handled through a review and amendment process in our agreement, potentially affecting timelines and costs.

Copyright and ownership

Will the website’s intellectual property (“this project”) be licensed/owned by my company?

Yes, upon completion, the intellectual property rights for the project will be owned by you or your company.

What if I don’t want your name on my website?

We respect your preference; our branding will not be included on your website unless agreed upon for promotional reasons.

Do I own all of the code on the website after you have built it?

Yes, you will own all the code and content of the website once it is completed and paid for.

Who owns the rights to the design?

Upon completion and final payment, all design rights are transferred to you, the client.

Who owns all of the theme & plugin licenses?

The licenses for any themes or plugins used can be purchased in your name, ensuring you own them.


Will my website pass the Core Web Vitals assessment? Google says it’s a must.

We focus on optimizing for Core Web Vitals, aiming for your website to pass Google’s performance and user experience standards.

Can you guarantee my sales will increase?

We cannot guarantee specific sales increases, but our aim is to create a website that enhances your ability to convert visitors into customers.

Maintenance, updates, backups, and security

Why do I need to update the software?

Software updates are crucial for security, performance, and adding new features, ensuring your website runs smoothly and securely.

What happens if the website gets hacked?

We offer security measures to prevent hacking, and we can assist with recovery and strengthening your site’s security if a breach occurs.

Will we be able to update copy and Images across the site once it’s built?

Yes, we ensure you have the ability to update text and images easily through the CMS.

Can I contact you for future updates to my design?

Yes, we are available for future updates, redesigns, or additional features to support your website’s growth.

Do you offer any kind of warranty on your work?

We offer a warranty period for fixing any bugs or issues post-launch, ensuring your website runs smoothly.

Continuity and risk

What happens to the website if your company no longer trades in (x) years. Will I have access to everything?

Yes, you will have full access to your website’s files and databases, ensuring you can manage or transfer your website independently.

What happens if you get hit by a bus?

Our team structure and project management processes ensure continuity and project completion, regardless of unforeseen events.